No obvious positive effect
Our form of government is not why we are a healthy, safe, and strong community - with all of the attendant deficiencies of cities and towns across the Florida and the country, but with smaller doses than most.
It's because of us. Lakelanders. Citizens.
This proposed change will not give Lakeland a better chance to become its best. But we can - and should and must - on November 7th, when we vote for four of the seven city commissioners who will be our conduit to the city's management and departments, for the next four years.
They are not our representatives. They are commissioners. We must represent ourselves.
We are not voting for:
Agnini, Brooke
Anderson, Bruce
Doster, Matt
*Durrence, Larry
Fancelli, Gregory
Fariq, Usman
Fields, Gow
Gifford, Don
Maguire, Mike
Mawhinney, Joe
Mayor, No Boss
Mayor, People's
McLaughlin, Chris
Miller, Grant
O'Reilly, Frank
Oldenkamp, Natalie
Strickland, Gene
Thompson, Bill
Among others. Only one of these names is actually on the ballot, Larry Durrence, the registered chairman of the Charter Amendment opposition, who is running for a seat on the commission, but not for mayor.
And don’t be distracted by the kids in the back who are making spitballs and smart remarks. You’re going to need to know what’s really on the ballot. Yes, it’s a test.
Maybe read this carefully and decide for yourself …
"Should Lakeland change its government to a Mayor-Commission Plan; where Mayor becomes Chief Executive with authority over City operations and employees, except Lakeland Electric's Manager, with veto power over Commission's legislative actions; Commission can override Mayor's veto with 2/3 vote; changing Commission's governing authority to legislative; eliminating City Manager; creating Chief Administrative Officer serving at the pleasure of the Mayor; modifying elected officials' term limits, limiting Mayor to two terms; creating additional Commissioner?”
We say “NOPE”, but we seek to speak to you, not for you.
This might be an interesting place to start your research:
See also: Strong Mayor or strong citizenship?
And Vote!