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But you know this
The U.S. government does not belong to its Senators and Representatives or to pollsters, talking heads, political operatives, or...
Who cares what you think
UPDATED and adapted for the current election cycle Well, you better hope it’s the people your elect to represent you. But so much noise...
It's not "them", it's us
Let us introduce you to the “Lakeland Business Community”, whose pronouns (with apologies to our LGBTQ friends) are: “they” and “them”,...
Citizenship 101
The national political stage offers a vast array of posing, posturing, and pandering full of fanfare and gaudy self-aggrandizement, but...
Mr. Franklin is not representing
He is complaining, carping, criticizing, and casting aspersions. In between, he is casting himself as a cheerleader and a calendar,...
Don't cast your vote aside
I think a lot of people might sit this one out. The April 6th special election will seat a successful candidate who may well be un-seated...
The times, they are not a'changing
On October 15, 1958, in a speech to the Radio-Television News Directors Association (RTNDA) convention in Chicago, CBS News correspondent...
Let's connect the dots, shall we?
Citizens want the city to behave well, protect their interests, and manage their tax dollars responsibly - and frugally. They often chant...
Citizenship trumps leadership
As the next national election cycle heats up, and the contenders for the throne line up, it might be an opportune time to consider a...
How can you hear our voices if you're not listening?
Public - NOUN - The people as a whole : POPULACE A group of people having common interests or characteristics specifically : the group at...
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